Rubrika: Akce
Monday, 7 October, 2024 – Cognitive insights into analysis of translationese combining product and process data
Akce 1. 10. 2024
The talk will be focused on „translationese,“ which refers to the specific linguistic properties of translation that distinguish it from non-translated language production. While these phenomena have been extensively analyzed in both human and machine translation studies, the driving forces behind translationese effects such as simplification and explicitation remain under-researched.
Linguistic Mondays and Fred Jelinek Seminar series
Akce 8. 4. 2024
We invite you to four lectures that will take place in April as part of Linguistic Mondays and Fred Jelinek Seminar series organized by the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics MFF UK. 8 April 2024Šárka Zikánová (ÚFAL MFF UK)Textová koherence ve starší češtině 15 April 2024Kateřina Rysová (ÚFAL MFF UK)Čeština jako cizí jazyk: cesta […]
Multi-Source Simultaneous Speech Translation
Akce 26. 2. 2024
We investigate the opportunity to use multiple parallel speech signals — the original and simultaneous interpreting — as sources for translation to achieve higher quality of the simultaneous speech translation. We create an evaluation set ESIC (Europarl Simultaneous Interpreting Corpus). We analyze the challenges of simultaneous interpreting when used as an additional parallel source. Then, […]
Understanding, Meaning, and Representations in Large Language Models
Akce 21. 11. 2023
Tomáš Musil (ÚFAL MFF UK) Significant in contemporary language processing applications, Large Language Models (LLMs) have become indispensable across diverse domains, ranging from improving chatbot interactions and language translation to code generation and the creation of imaginative content. The question of whether LLMs truly comprehend language has been posed repeatedly, often eliciting a resolute negative […]
Seminar of formal linguistics
Akce 23. 10. 2023
The program of Linguistic Mondays for the rest of October. 23 November 2023 Mon 23.10.2023 14:00 to 14:30 Jindřich Libovický (ÚFAL MFF UK): Large Language Models: Second Paradigm Change in Multilingual NLP within five years Mon 23.10.2023 14:30 to 15:00 Jiří Mírovský (ÚFAL MFF UK): 2023: Still Annotating Discourse Mon 23.10.2023 15:00 to 15:30 Martin […]
Workshop: How Research Infrastructure Empowers SSH Researchers
Akce 26. 9. 2023
Edward J. Gray, Ph.D. Workshop bude pojednávat o tom, jak DARIAH přispívá k výměně znalostí a spolupráci, přičemž poskytuje platformy (SSH Open Marketplace a DARIAH Campus), které umožňují výzkumným pracovníkům najít potřebné nástroje SSH a školící materiály. Plánovaný čas je 90 minut. Registrace není nutná.
Prof. Dr. Nathan Schneider (Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., USA)
Akce 8. 9. 2023
Toward Natural Metalanguage Processing
Konference Digitální data perspektivou humanitního vědce
Akce 9. 6. 2023
Čtvrtý ročník konference je zaměřený na data, nástroje a platformy pro digitální výzkum humanitních věd.
Signalling discourse relations
Akce 13. 4. 2023
Markus Egg (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Discourse Connective Lexicons: Best Practices and Lessons Learnt
Akce 13. 4. 2023
Peter Bourgonje (University of Postdam)