Category: Events
Linguistic Mondays and Fred Jelinek Seminar series
Events 8. 4. 2024
We invite you to four lectures that will take place in April as part of Linguistic Mondays and Fred Jelinek Seminar series organized by the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics MFF UK. 8 April 2024Šárka Zikánová (ÚFAL MFF UK)Textová koherence ve starší češtině 15 April 2024Kateřina Rysová (ÚFAL MFF UK)Čeština jako cizí jazyk: cesta […]
Multi-Source Simultaneous Speech Translation
Events 26. 2. 2024
Dominik Macháček (ÚFAL MFF UK) We investigate the opportunity to use multiple parallel speech signals — the original and simultaneous interpreting — as sources for translation to achieve higher quality of the simultaneous speech translation. We create an evaluation set ESIC (Europarl Simultaneous Interpreting Corpus). We analyze the challenges of simultaneous interpreting when used as […]
Understanding, Meaning, and Representations in Large Language Models
Events 21. 11. 2023
Tomáš Musil (ÚFAL MFF UK) Significant in contemporary language processing applications, Large Language Models (LLMs) have become indispensable across diverse domains, ranging from improving chatbot interactions and language translation to code generation and the creation of imaginative content. The question of whether LLMs truly comprehend language has been posed repeatedly, often eliciting a resolute negative […]
Workshop: How Research Infrastructure Empowers SSH Researchers
Events 26. 9. 2023
Edward J. Gray, Ph.D. As a research infrastructure, DARIAH’s goal is to enable and empower researchers to conduct their research with the help of state of the art tools and methods and doing so in an internationally-connected way. This talk will examine how DARIAH creates a forum for knowledge exchange and collaboration, while also providing […]
Prof. Dr. Nathan Schneider (Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., USA)
Events 8. 9. 2023
Toward Natural Metalanguage Processing
Mining the Content of Digital Libraries for Research in the Humanities (DL4DH Conference)
Events 25. 11. 2022
Digital libraries in the Czech Republic contain more than 100 million pages of written documents and other materials in digital form. The DL4DH conference will present the outputs of the research project DL4DH – Digital Libraries for Digital Humanities focused on advanced data mining from digital libraries. The program addresses both the needs of librarians […]
UFAL Monday seminars – Neural architectures for character-level NLP
Events 28. 2. 2022
Jindřich Libovický (UFAL)
Events 2. 8. 2021
This year’s annual DARIAH conference will be held online. Keynote speakers will be Sarah Kenderdine (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) and Chris Heilman (Microsoft). Interested participants can register until the beginning of September here.
UFAL Monday seminars VI.
Events 20. 5. 2021
Framing climate change: A computational perspective Manfred Stede (University of Potsdam) Time: May 31, 2021, 2 p.m. More info:
UFAL Monday seminars V. (PhD conference)
Events 5. 5. 2021
Multi-domain dialogue systems Tomáš Nekvinda Multimodal Summarization Mateusz Krubiński