Malach Center for Visual History is celebrating fifteen years since its opening, and it will commemorate this anniversary with a second edition of the Prague Visual History and Digital Humanities Conference (PRAVIDCO 2025). The conference's aims reflect the activities of the Malach Center, serving as a nexus for those primarily engaged in the technological aspects of the humanities and social sciences perspectives of contemporary interdisciplinary research.
Termín a místo konání: 23. - 24. 1. 2025, Praha, ÚFAL UK,Malostranské náměstí 25, Prague 1
Monday, 16 December 2024: EdUKate: Multilingual Learning Materials for Ukrainian Children in Czech Schools
EdUKate is a TAČR-funded project carried out in partnership with Fraus, the largest textbook publisher in the Czech Republic. It aims to enhance the content and accessibility of digital education in the Czech educational system, with particular focus on Ukrainian speakers.
Termín a místo konání: 14:00, MFF UK, Malostranské nám. 25, 4th floor, room S1
Monday, 2 December 2024: Behavioral studies of LLMs
This lecture summarizes the research conducted to date within the project "LLMs through the Prism of Corpus Linguistics" and also explores cognitive aspects of the topic.
Termín a místo konání: 14:00, MFF UK, Malostranské nám. 25, 4th floor, room S1
Seminář o jazykových datech a technologiích, pořádaný v rámci evropského projektu „Language Data Space“, přinese pohled na aktuální trendy v oblasti umělé inteligence a jazykových technologií.
Termín a místo konání: 2. prosinec 2024, 09:00 - 15:30, MFF UK, Malostranské náměstí 25/2, Praha 1 (refektář, 1. patro)