Institute of Archaeology of the CAS, Prague, v. v. i.
The Institute was founded on November 12, 1919 as the State Archaeological Institute falling under the Ministry of Education and National Enlightenment of the Czechoslovak Republic. It was incorporated into the structure of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences as of January 1, 1953. In 1993, its branch offices in Most and Pilsen and dispatch center in Dolní Břežany were transferred under the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic as work facilities for archaeological monument conservation. As of January 1, 2007, the Institute became a public research institution within the meaning of Act No. 341/2005 Coll.
The Institute pursues basic research of the prehistoric and medieval periods in Bohemia in their historical context. It fulfills tasks in the rescue and documentation of endangered archaeological monuments in the territory of Bohemia, and in the coordination of archaeological field research in Bohemia. It administers a specialized library, archive of reports on findings, photographic archive, archive of geodetic documentation and a database of archaeological research in Bohemia. It publishes basic specialized periodicals, publication series and individual monographs.
- Letenská 4
118 01 Praha 1 -
- arupraha@arup.cas
- 257 014 3