Archaeobotanical database CZAD
CZAD provides access to data on individual archaeobotanical research projects in the Czech Republic (author of botanical identification, archaeological dating, location type, number of analyzed seeds/fruits, number of plant taxons found). A uniform system for the coding of plant taxons is a key prerequisite for the aggregation of data from various archaeobotanical facilities. Information on the archaeological location and context of the sample studied is sorted hierarchically (Research-Object-Sample). The database structure also contains information on environmental properties of the individual taxons (e.g., např. Ellenberg indicator values). Osoba odpovědná za správu informačního zdroje:PhDr. Dreslerová Dagmar Ph.D. ( Aktuální obsah informačního zdroje:7 ,700 plant macroremains from 370 sites Zamýšlený obsah informačního zdroje:Natural addition of entries in relation to analysis conducted Záznamy mají připojené digitální objekty:no
- Person responsible for administration of information source:
PhDr. Dreslerová Dagmar Ph.D. ( - Current content of information source:
7,700 plant macroremains from 370 sites - Intended content of information source:
Natural addition of entries in relation to analysis conducted - Availability of the information source without online access:
Institute of Archaeology of the CAS, Prague, v. v. i. Department of the archaeology of landscape and archaeobiology Letenská 4, Prague 1, 118 01 - Online access:
Author/administrator of source:
Institute of Archaeology of the CAS, Prague, v. v. i.
partly online
Type of resource:
antracology, archaeobotany, archaeological research, plant macroremains