Category: Events
Autumn DH tutorials LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ
Events 19. 11. 2019
The third of a series of tutorials on data processing and computational research in the humanities, prepared by the LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ research infrastructure, will take place on 28 November at the MFF ÚK. Registration is not required and participation is free. Date and place: November 28, 2019 Prague More information: pdf program
7th Estonian Digital Humanities Confeence: Use of Digital Cultural Heritage in Research and Education
Events 10. 10. 2019
The theme of the DH Estonia 2019 conference is the use of digital cultural heritage, especially in the field of education. The conference aims to focus on how the user habits as well as needs and requirements could influence the practices of memory institutions, such as museums, archives and libraries who are striving to increase […]
Collecting and Collections: Digital Lives and Afterlives Workshop
Events 29. 9. 2019
Workshop concerning the afterlives, use and reconstruction of early modern collections is designed to benefit scholars interested in digital humanities. We will explore digital approaches to historical collections – data-mining and use tools to integrate extant databases. Date and place: November 14–15, 2019, London (UK) More information:
Call for Applications ReIReS DH Course
Events 23. 9. 2019
Univerzita v Sofii vyhlásila výzvu k zapojení do kurzu ReIReS „Digitální zdroje pro slovansko-byzantská studia“, který se bude konat 19.–21. listopadu 2019. Kurz je zaměřen na prezentaci výzkumných nástrojů pro usnadnění a posílení slovansko-byzantských studií. Vítáni jsou zejména – ale nejen – doktorandi a postdoktorandi. Přihlášky lze podávat do 19. října 2019. Kromě členů konsorcia ReIReS je […]
Autumn DH tutorials LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ
Events 10. 9. 2019
The second of a series of tutorials on data processing and computational research in the humanities, prepared by the LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ research infrastructure, will take place on 17 October at The National gallery in Prague. Registration is not required and participation is free. Date and place: October 17, 2019, Prague More information: pdf program
Autumn DH tutorials LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ
Events 23. 8. 2019
The first of a series of tutorials on data processing and computational research in the humanities, prepared by the LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ research infrastructure, will take place on 26 September at the MFF ÚK. Registration is not required and participation is free. Date and place: September 9, 2019 Prague More information: pdf program
Events 27. 4. 2019
We are delighted to announce that the 3rd edition of DATeCH (Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage) will take place at the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts. The International conference brings together researchers and practitioners seeking innovative approaches for the creation, transformation and exploitation of historical documents in digital form. […]
Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries – DHN 2019
Events 10. 2. 2019
The 4th conference of the association of DHN will be held at the University of Copenhagen March 6–8, 2019 and will be organised by the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen, The Royal Library and the research infrastructure project DIGHUMLAB. The DHN conferences aim to provide an overview of research, education and communication about the interdisciplinary field of digital humanities. […]
1st Annual EADH Conference: “Data in Digital Humanities“
Events 27. 11. 2018
The European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) will hold its inaugural conference, on the theme “Data in Digital Humanities“, at the National University of Ireland, Galway from 7-9 December 2018. Time and place: 7.–9. 12. Galway (Irsko) More information:
Digitally-Enabled Criticism: „Reading” Visual and Spatial Data Using IIIF & Machine Learning
Events 14. 11. 2018
Centre for Science, Technology and Society Studies at Institute of Philosophy of the CAS with the support of the program Strategie AV21 prepared a lecture on the issue of digital image processing by professor A. Kitamoto, a member of the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities. Time and place: 23. 11. 2018 (Institute of Philosophy of […]