Institute of the Czech Language of the CAS, v. v. i.
Institute of the Czech Language was established on December 16, 1946 by the Czech Academy of Sciences and Arts by a conversion of the Office of the Dictionary of the Czech Language, founded in 1911. The Brno branch was set up in 1952. The Institute was incorporated into the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences as of January 1, 1953. As of January 1, 2007, the Institute became a public research institution within the meaning of Act No. 341/2005 Coll.
The Institute focuses on grammar, lexicology, lexicography, dialectology, etymology, onomatology, stylistics and historical development of the Czech language. It further consistently cultivates the language by providing consultations and advice, both in Prague and in Brno. The Department of Language Studies focuses on theoretical and practical didactics of foreign languages.
Letenská 4
118 51 Praha 1 -
- ujc@ujc.cas
- 226 228 000; 257 533 756 (sekr.)