Phototeque of the Institute of Art History of the CAS
The phototeque contains an extensive fund of photographs of cultural artifacts, with a special focus on bohemicals spanning the entire art history and works of world art in the Czech territory. Photographs of artifacts, both old and modern, are collected as a necessary and integral part of institutional scientific research and resultant publication activities.
Person responsible for administration of information source:
Mgr. Markéta Janotová ( -
Current content of information source:
100,000 -
Intended content of information source:
130,000 -
Listings have associated digital objects:
Yes -
Format of digital objects:
pdf, jpg, tif, mp4, avi
Author/administrator of source:
Institute of Art History of the CAS, v.v.i.
Type of resource:
photography database
history of art
photographs of art works