Musicological bibliographic database
Users may access the bibliographic database via the search environment of the ASL Union Catalogue. A bilingual subject description (Czech and English) makes the database accessible to foreign researchers. The bibliographic database started operating in 2014 by a pilot project of cataloguing the 2013 musicological production, and, at the same time, the retrospective cataloguing of the most important national journal, Hudební věda (Musicology). At present, analytical entries on articles in specialized musicological journals (in particular Hudební věda, Opus musicum, Musicalia, Muzikologické fórum) are being processed, and work on a complete retrospective bibliography of articles from the Hudební věda journal (1962–2013) is under way. In the years to follow, a retroconversion of the current bibliographies, in particular, lists of musicological production published since 1970 in Hudební věda and specialized bibliographies relating to individual important persons and thematic areas, will be undertaken. A bibliography of current musicological production, concurrently published in the printed lists in Hudební věda, is included as a service to the broader professional public.
Person responsible for administration of information source:
PhDr. Jana Vozková, CSc. (, Mgr. Markéta Kratochvílová, PhD. ( -
Current content of information source:
1,400 bibliographic entries -
Intended content of information source:
A retrospective bibliography spanning a minimum of 20,000 entries, with new musicological production added at the rate of approx. 500 entries per year -
Online access:
Author/administrator of source:
Institute of Art History of the CAS, v.v.i.
Type of resource:
bibliographic database
annotated bibliography, musicological bibliography