Funds of archival nature of the Institute of Art History of the CAS
N. P. Kondakov Archaeological Institute, together with a part of the personal legacy of this important Byzantinologist, has been managed by the department the longest. The most extensive fund, most frequently visited by researchers in the long run, is the personal legacy of the academic Zdeněk Wirth. This important Czech art historian and conservationist probably anticipated many years before his demise that his estate would pass on to a science institution which would work on extensive projects, without which a further development of art history in Czechoslovakia would be inconceivable. Out of personal funds, legacies or fragments of legacies of Anton Gnirs, Rudolf Hlubinka, Rudolf Kuchynka and Karel B. Mádl were created by delimitation of Wirth’s fund. Before 1989, the Institute acquired, by donation or purchase, personal funds of the following art historians: Josef Cibulka, Vincenc Kramář, Viktor Kotrba, Karel Chytil, Jaromír Pečírka, Josef Polák, František Žákavec, Rudolf Chuman and Václav M. Nebeský, Ivan Šperling. Between 1993 and 1997, it further accepted into its care a part of the estate of bibliophiles Josef Jeřábek and Jarmila Krčálová. At the same time, in the process of sorting, Antonín Matějček’s fund was separated from Karel Chytil’s fund, and documents of the Circle for the Propagation of Art History (1913-1960) was separated from Vincenc Kramář’s legacy. Between 1998 and 2003, further personal legacies of art historians and fine artists were added to the funds. Most funds include book inventories in printed and electronic form, gradually made accessible on the webpages of the Institute.
Person responsible for administration of information source:
Mgr. Kristina Uhlíková, PhD., PhDr. Jiří Roháček, CSc. ( -
Current content of information source:
35 inventories -
Intended content of information source:
review and digitization of 35 inventories -
Availability of the information source without online access:
Institute of Art History of the CAS, v. v. i. Department of Documentation – study room Husova 4 110 00 Praha 1 -
Online access:
Author/administrator of source:
Institute of Art History of the CAS, v.v.i.
partly online
Type of resource:
history of art, history
historic preservation, private collections, scientists