
Source overview

Digital archive of popular literature

The archive provides access to individual copies or individual sets of mass-produced prints from the period up to 1945, digital copies or originals of which were collected for the purposes of literary history and bibliographic projects tackled by the Institute for Czech Literature of the CAS. It focuses in particular on short stories published in serial form, and other periodical or semi-periodical editions of popular fiction. It currently contains about 250 part issues of popular reading matter. The digital archive of popular literature offers scans or photographs of part issues of a number of series and editions of popular reading matter. It contains both original works and translations in circulation in the Czech environment in the first half of the 20th century through the specific publication type. It thus provides access to a sample of reading matter which is frequently inaccessible within the regular library network, and facilitates research of the history of popular literature in the Czech milieu. In terms of technology, it is a gallery of images without metadata and search options, with individual part issues arranged hierarchically according to editions and categories.

  • Person responsible for administration of information source:
    Michal Jareš (
  • Current content of information source:
    250 digitized publications
  • Intended content of information source:
    content gradually expanded
  • Listings have associated digital objects:
  • Format of digital objects:
  • Online access:

Author/administrator of source:
Institute of Czech Literature of the CAS, v. v. i.


Type of resource:
digital library

literary science

popular literature