
Source overview

Digital archive of Czech legislation – annual monitoring of status and developments

Selected quantitative characteristics (indicators) of the legislative system of the Czech Republic (in particular the quantification of legislative forms, i.e., laws, bylaws, etc., and their relations within the legislative system of the Czech Republic, quantification of the proportion of national legislation and the international factor represented by published international treaties, systemization of Czech legislation by legal fields, quantification of Czech legislative amendments, etc., all of the above presented since 2007 in the form of annual overviews. Data is obtained from the LexGalaxy legal information system.

  • Person responsible for administration of information source:
    Martin Vávra (
  • Current content of information source:
    quantitative description of Czech legislation for 2011, 2012 and 2013
  • Online access:

Author/administrator of source:
Institute of State and law of the CAS, v. v. i.


Type of resource:
digital archive


characteristics of the legislative system of the Czech Republic