Database of Czech literary figures
The database if publicly accessible and contain basic biographic information on individual Czech literary figures, i.e., preferred name, or name type, other name forms used (including pseudonyms, signatures, birth and other names), date and place of birth and death, information on their scholarly, professional and publication focus, and a further specification, where applicable. As of 2015, the CLF database covered approx. 40,000 literary figures. Aktuální obsah informačního zdroje:approx. 40,000 entries Záznamy mají připojené digitální objekty:no
- Person responsible for administration of information source:
Vojtěch Malínek, Daniel Řehák ( - Current content of information source:
approx. 40,000 entries - Online access:
Author/administrator of source:
Institute of Czech Literature of the CAS, v. v. i.
Type of resource:
biographical database
history, literary science
biography, literary figures