CEJSH – The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
The CEJSH database was originally set up as a project of Academies of Science of the Visegrad Group countries, and initially served as an online database of English abstracts from papers published mainly in the national languages in journals focusing on humanities and social sciences and published in a Visegrad Group country. Aktuální obsah informačního zdroje:approx. 80,000 entries in total, spanning over 1,000 periodicals, of that, nearly 70 published in the Czech Republic.
Person responsible for administration of information source:
RNDr. Darina Vystrčilová ( -
Current content of information source:
approx. 80,000 entries in total, spanning over 1,000 periodicals, of that, nearly 70 published in the Czech Republic -
Intended content of information source:
supplemented continuously -
Listings have associated digital objects:
Yes -
Format of digital objects:
pdf -
Online access:
Author/administrator of source:
Institute of Sociology of the CAS, v. v. i.
Type of resource:
bibliography, humanities, social science