Art historical bibliography
Art historical bibliography is a unique card catalogue comprising over 500,000 entries – articles from Czech periodical 18th, 19th and 20th century journals and newspapers. Its most extensive and important part is a card catalogue of Czech and foreign fine artists, a valuable part of which are reproductions of art works. A card catalogue of authors of texts, a topographic card catalogue with ample entries on Prague and locations outside Prague, and a subject catalogue are also available; last but not least, there is also a card catalogue of excerpted journals with detailed entries on excerptions from several dozen periodicals. The card catalogues were closed in the 1980s and belong to the crown jewels of both the discipline and the Institute. The card catalogues are accessible on a non-circulating basis at the Bibliography Department of the Institute, but can be consulted by email or telephone as well.
- Person responsible for administration of information source:
PhDr. Polana Bregantová ( - Current content of information source:
500,000 bibliographic entries, of that, approx. 80,000 digitized to date - Intended content of information source:
500,000 bibliographic entries which will be digitized and made accessible online in the RETROBI system - Availability of the information source without online access:
Institute of Art History of the CAS, v. i. Bibliography Department Husova 4 110 00 Prague 1
Author/administrator of source:
Institute of Art History of the CAS, v.v.i.
not in digital form
Type of resource:
bibliographic index card
history of art
czech literature, periodicals, visual arts