Oriental Institute of the CAS, v. v. i.
The Institute was established on January 25, 1922 by virtue of a decision of the Czechoslovak Parliament, president T.G. Masaryk having provided financial backing. The Institute was incorporated into the structure of the CSAS as of January 1, 1953. As of January 1, 2007, the Institute became a public research institution within the meaning of Act No. 341/2005 Coll.
The Institute carries out scientific research of history, religious and philosophical systems, cultures, languages and literature of Asian and African peoples. Attention is paid to the interaction of large civilization circles of present day world, with a special focus on the role of religion in ideological and political concepts of Asian and African countries.
The library of the Oriental Institute numbers over 210,000 volumes (including manuscripts), a sizeable part of which are in oriental languages.
- Pod vodárenskou věží 4
182 08 Praha 8 - http://orient.avcr.cz/
- orient@orient.cas
- 266 053 111