
Source overview

Traditional craft production and agriculture in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia

Documentary and photographic holdings deposited at the Institute of Ethnology of the CAS served as a basis for a CD-ROM. Expert descriptions of the individual photographs with localization, dating and a link to a map and glossary of regional or trade expressions, selective bibliography and an English résumé were added to the sources. The entire corpus is accompanied by a scientific study on traditional craft production and agriculture with a list of recommended reading. The edition comes with a map where locations of individual traditional craftsmen, holders of the Folk Tradition Bearer 2001-2010 title, are marked. Another map documents traditional craft production in 1952-89. The database is accessible on CD-ROM.

  • Person responsible for administration of information source:
    Barbora Gergelová (
  • Current content of information source:
    1,657 catalogue entries
  • Listings have associated digital objects:
  • Format of digital objects:

Author/administrator of source:
Institute of Ethnology of the CAS, v. v. i.


Type of resource:
photography database

ethnography, ethnology

agricultural production, handicraft production