Dictionary of medieval Latin, Latinitatis medii aevi lexicon Bohemorum
The Dictionary of Medieval Latin (Latinitatis medii aevi lexicon Bohemorum) is the electronic version of the Dictionary of Medieval Latin in the Czech Lands, covering the entire up-to-date text of the Dictionary published to date, i.e. letters A–M, including the second amended edition of volumes I–II (A–H). The Dictionary records and interprets the vocabulary of medieval Latin used in the Czech Lands during the period from the beginnings of Latin writing in this territory (ca around the year 1000) up to the year 1500. It presents a comprehensive and informative picture of the breadth and diversity of the means of expression of Latin writing in the Czech Middle Ages. Numerous manuscripts and old prints from the collections of libraries in this country and abroad have been excerpted, in addition to printed sources. The database is used primarily by experts in Czech medieval history, language, literature, philosophy, theology and art and others interested in these fields. The current version allows full-text searches according to various criteria; an index of references and abbreviations used is also available.
- Person responsible for administration of information source:
Pavel Nývlt ( - Current content of information source:
20,000 dictionary entries and full texts - Intended content of information source:
40,000 - Online access:
Author/administrator of source:
Institute of Philosophy of the CAS, v. v. i.
Type of resource:
electronic dictionary
classical studies
medieval Latin language, medievalistics