Database of sources on the history of natural sciences
The database provides access to basic information on archival documentation concerning the history of natural sciences in the Czech lands. The database makes it possible to search by the name of the institution where the collection is kept, by the number of the registration sheet of the National Archival Heritage, title of the fund, time frame, i.e., biographic data where the collection pertains to a person, or time frame of the existence of an institution, as well as a chronological span of surviving documents. It further provides information on the quantity of surviving documentation in running meters, information on physical storage of the documents and their type (in additional to archival storage boxes, e.g., maps, books, films, etc.), information whether it is a separate collection or a part thereof, on the degree of processing and accessibility of the collection and a brief description of its content, which may be preceded (in particular in case of personal collections) by a characterization of its originator.
- Person responsible for administration of information source:
Marie Bahenská ( - Online access:
Author/administrator of source:
Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS, v. v. i.
Type of resource:
archival science
archival collections, archives