Database of plaques of the Czech Academy of Sciences
The plaque For Contributions to Science and Mankind was awarded since 1962, and came in three degrees: bronze, silver and gold. The award was intended for important domestic and foreign figures, or – in exceptional cases – entire departments of institutions, and was not always awarded for scientific merit only. It was frequently awarded to Communist political figures. The plaques were further also awarded to people who could not be characterized as scientists (or politicians) but who, in line with period thinking, contributed to the development of science through their activities. There were also Departmental Plaques which generally bore the name of an important scientist in the field concerned, e.g., J. G. Mendel, Bernard Bolzano, František Křižík, František Palacký or Jaroslav Heyrovský. Such plaques had the form or a gold plaque or a silver plaque, and could be awarded to Czechoslovak or foreign scientists, rarely to entire institutions, teams or departments. In exceptional cases, both the Departmental Plaques and the plaques For Contributions to Science and Mankind could be awarded posthumously.
Person responsible for administration of information source:
Daniela Brádlerová ( -
Online access:
Author/administrator of source:
Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS, v. v. i.
Type of resource:
history of science
Academy of Sciences, awards, biography, scientists