Database of classical drama productions
The database currently contains basic information on productions of Czech professional, quasi-professional and amateur drama and puppet companies since 1889, information on guest performances given by foreign companies since 1960, and information on productions broadcast on Czech TV and Czech Radio. The basic information contains data on place and time of the production (premiere, or dernière, name of company, place where the production was staged, guest appearances at other venues, etc.), production team (translator, director, assistant director, stage designer, costume designer, music director, choreographer, dramaturgist, etc.), cast, bibliographic information on reviews, photographs and supplementary materials (signs, posters, etc.). Data is supplemented continuously, fulltext reviews are gradually added to the bibliographic information, together with dramatic texts and edited versions used in the productions and other materials available. The data is currently being updated and confronted with the outcome, and new interpretation approaches and methods employed in contemporary research in the reception of classical drama at an international forum are being developed.
- Person responsible for administration of information source:
Jakub Čechvala ( - Current content of information source:
2,679 catalogue entries - Listings have associated digital objects:
Yes - Format of digital objects:
pdf - Online access:
Author/administrator of source:
Institute of Philosophy of the CAS, v. v. i.
Type of resource:
classical studies
catalogues of theater plays, classical drama